How Diverse Businesses Get Corporate Contracts with Michelle Raymond

Welcome to another episode of Expert To Authority Show

Today I have the pleasure to Interview Michelle Raymond

Michelle is a Leadership trainer and Coach with a focus on transformational leadership change in the corporate sector, designing and delivering effective leadership strategies that focus on inclusivity, cultural intelligence and equity.

She is also a Visibility Strategist and Supplier Diversity Advocate providing unparalleled support to small and diverse business owners to help them power through to the next stage of their growth with a key focus on making the invisible, visible within the corporate space

An award-winning entrepreneur and international speaker, I focus on how the cultivation of relationships is key to success as well as increasing your visibility and endorsing true inclusive leadership qualities and behaviour.

She is a committee member for the Black Advisory Group for Lloyds Banking Group and a member of the Dubai Business Women Council, a certified diverse supplier, NLP master practitioner and TEDx Speaker.

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